Can You Do It All?- My First Blog at University
Can you do it all? The short answer is no, the long answer is there isn't a lot of point in doing it all regardless. It's tempting when starting out at a new university to try and do it all. Here's a blog about why you shouldn't. After starting university in late September, I spent the first few weeks trying to sign up to every opportunity, join every society and go out clubbing every night. Was it fun at first? Of course it was! Who doesn't love cocktails and meeting new people who happen to be your next door neighbours now? But it just wasn't sustainable, and because of this it very quickly became exhausting and overwhelming. It took me taking a step back and reassessing to realise that trying to do everything is actually counter-productive. Now yes, it's important to make the most of opportunities. Especially in university, it's a time of learning and new opportunities and experiences like no other. But if you sign up to 5 back-to-back webinars vagu...